How to Make a Cheese Biscuit

  • How to Make a Cheese Biscuit
    Full Recipe:
    I love making biscuits! They come together in a flash and OMG, so fluffy!!!!! If you follow me you might remember that I LOVE fried sage so why not add that into the perfect biscuit and while we’re at it how about some parmesan for an extra punch of flavor?! I really enjoyed the combination and to my shock the boys loved it too! When making biscuits there are a few things to keep in mind. Make sure your butter is cold, don't overwork your dough, and don't roll it too thin! Really that's it though. If you're using a food processor it's easy as pie, if you're doing it the old fashioned way keep an eye on the butter specks in the dough as you don't want them getting too small. I gave my biscuits a quick egg wash on top for a golden brown finish and baked them at 425 for about 14 minutes. Biscuits are always best served warm so try and bake them just before serving but if you can't just warm them up before placing on the table. I would serve these as a side dish or use them to make a really tasty sandwich, maybe with a little fried chicken and some tasty slaw? YUM.

    Catégorie Cuisine & pâtisserie


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